If you have any other quires please email
Do I have to pay to entre my submission?
No, unlike other art and literature style submission and competitions all our submissions are FREE. This was a decision that we made to ensure that everyone could take part and share their experiences without having to worry about finances.
How does Satirev cover expenses and overheads?
We cover all expenses and overheads from the the sale of our books and merchandise and donations from our supporters. Any profits occurred will be used to support future projects that Satirev will run.
How many submissions can I can submit?
Everyone can submit a maximum of 6 submissions per year, per project. All of our projects are rolling projects which we will continue to run. You will be contacted if you have been selected for a publication or gallery viewing.
How will my submissions be used?
Submissions are used in a variety of ways such as but not limited to:
Published in books
Used in awareness campaigns
Gallery viewings
Educational purposes / private viewings in workshops
Will my art work automatically be accepted in a gallery viewing
No, as we do not own our own gallery, so we have to reply on opportunities given to us to show case your work. This can result in the gallery curating their own selection of works, dur to space and / or their vision of the gallery.
Will I get given a free book if my submission is published in a book?
Unfortunately we are unable to gift any books to the artists or authors who have contributed to the publicization of submissions.
As a self-funded, volunteer based community project we would have to charge everyone a submission fee to cover the costs of both over heads and printing costs of each publication, in order to gift all contributors a copy of the book.
Will I get royalties?
Unfortunately we do not pay royalties. When you submit your art or literature work you give us permission to use your work within our projects, on the understanding that your work is used to:
Share your lived experiences
Increase awareness
Debunk misconceptions
Provide empathic learning resources
Help support the communities that we are working for
You will own full copywrites and ownership off all your submissions, in which you will be given full credit for your work.
Will all my submissions be selected for the projects publications?
We can not grantee that all or any of your submissions will be used. As the selection of submissions depends on the development of the project at hand and the opportunities that we get to showcase your lived experiences. After working on Project 514 415, we found that a collection can organically form creating a publication that is different from our originally vision. In addition, we can become inspired by a selection of submissions to showcase to share the lived experience at hand.
Will you buy my artwork of me?
No, we do not buy or rent art works, nor are we currently commissioning artworks.
All submissions should be submitted on the understanding that you are giving us permission to showcase your lived experiences and to take part within our projects. We advise you to read out full T&C before submitting your lived experiences to us.
Do I have to be a professional artists or author to take part?
No, we welcome everyone to share their experiences with us. We have published both art and literature work from those in which our project inspired them to explore their experiences and create art or literature for the first time in their lives.
How much does each project cost to run?
This is a challenging one to answer as costs can overlap among projects, especially when they are running alongside each other, although this is a question in which we have been asked.
Yearly technology costs = £1500 (website, email, monkey survey, Canva etc)
Each publication varies depending on advertising costs, ISBN costs, employment of copywriters / Specialists (if required) etc.
Printing costs such as awareness campaigns (posters and postcards), community workshop booklets etc also vary but are all self funded.
All members of Satirev staff (founder, management, ambassadors, partners etc) are volunteers and are unpaid.
If you would like a full breakdown of costs please email​​